
The wandering roads lead me on.
The heels of my feet crinkle halfway into the journey
They too know how difficult it is.
As if to comfort me, rickety huts appear at the sides.
The water they serve cripples you,
Or makes you stay with them.
Either way I might drink.
I alone am immune
My bags didn’t join me
That was more their choice than mine.
I had nothing in them anyway.
Back at home everybody is crying,
I believe I heard this through the silence of the earth.
But they all sit in their empty hearts
And rock the chair back and forth in desperation,
While they whistle to signal prosperity from the other side.
I tried the company of another wayfarer,
He didn’t see why I walked this road.
Even he, will take the next junction.
But my destination remained tacit.
I may take some detours to see the sites my friend talks about,
The lust and sins the earth could offer.
I might roll in the muds of these sins,
Though I might end up getting there just after Angel Michael has locked the door.
I will plead with Gabriel,
His name suggests compassion I don’t know,
To open the doors and let me in.
The earth His master created slowed me,
No fault of a lonely lost stranger.
If Jesus meets me before I end up branching
My leaves will fall on the right path.
I might get there on time,
And sit and dine with him,
Even if the devil bothers to follow.
In the meantime my steps echo,
Am I lost?
Will I get to meet my Lord?
Or am I the only person travelling?
Our father in Heaven,
I see no signs,
But if you could send over a chauffeur,
I will be there soon.

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